Wedding Album
Nothing quite beats having a cuppa with your family and flicking through your wedding photos in print, there’s just something special and nostalgic about holding a printed image and I think family albums are such special pieces of history. So although we live in a digital age, I still feel that it’s incredibly important to show off your wedding photographs in print for all to see instead of left on your computer or a USB tucked away in a draw somewhere long forgotten.
Here’s an example of a few pages from a wedding album that one of my couples made using the gallery -
how to order
Access you website gallery, go to the shop section and choose which type of wedding album you’d like.
The self-design album software built into the gallery is simple and fun to use.
Here is a summary of how to order a wedding album through my gallery -
1) Access your website gallery and choose your favourite images using the “heart” icon to create a favourites folder. It will be titled “my likes”.
2) Review the albums available and choose which one you would like to buy.
3) Open the designer and choose your album cover fabric and if you would like text on the cover.
4) Now start designing! You can begin the album that has been designed for you, or click “empty pages” to start fresh. I personally like to start fresh with a blank slate and make it personal.
4) Click “my likes” to view your favourite photos. Then design away!
5) When you are finished, click “add to cart”. The system will then have you approve the cover and each page.
6) Once in the shopping cart, you can change the quantity of albums from 1 to as many as you like! Albums are perfect gifts for family members.
7) If you have any issues, click the live chat bubble at the bottom right of the screen.
8) Happy designing